Artisan Impact: Ghana

We are a BIPOC, women owned, US based, fair trade home decor brand. Our mission is to make weaving economically sustainable for producers in Africa. Gitzell FairTrade is a proud member of the Fair Trade Federation, working with over 220 women weavers in Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Senegal and Uganda to produce hand woven baskets for decor, shopping and storage. We help women weavers build and sustain self-sufficiency by paying up front for raw materials and guaranteeing a purchase, saving weavers the cost and insecurity of traveling long distances to local markets where a sale is not assured. In addition, many of the weavers we work with are also women farmers who weave in the evening and during the off-season. The sale of woven goods generates supplemental income that contributes substantially to the economic viability of small holder farming, helping women farmers remain in control of their farmland.

The owner, Zellipah, began Gitzell FairTrade and showcased the artwork at both craft fairs and festivals. Zellipah continued working with artisans from several African countries and supporting over 220 families. The increasing sales at the craft fairs and festivals eventually led her to begin selling wholesale. 

Aside from Gitzell FairTrade:

Zellipah has taken the initiative to launch Project Gold finger during Kenya’s worst drought in 60 years. She launched this project with 16 ladies in her hometown of Ngorano, Nyeri. This grew to support over 100 families. The goal of the project is better to crop production through education and training.