Board of Directors

Jenni Biggs, Founder/CEO

 board of directors for do good shop president jenni biggs 501c3 nonprofit

About Jenni:  I love this little non-profit!  In 2016, I left my job working with teenagers to start Do Good Shop.  I dreamt of making it simple for everyday shoppers to change the world!  What a joy to see people's faces wash with emotion when they learn that buying a purse ethically can literally change the life of a former victim of exploitation.  I adore my job, and am grateful to bring shoppers and artisans together to do good.


Megan Blewett, Board Treasurer

board of directors do good shop 501c3 nonprofit treasurer megan blewett
About Megan:  I have been serving on the Do Good Shop Board of Directors since it's launch in 2016.  I care about finding sustainable solutions to the problems and injustices in our world, and am happy to be a part of the Do Good Shop mission.  I live in Northern California with my family; I enjoy cooking and spending time with family and friends. 

Corrie Haffly, Board Secretary

corrie haffly do good shop nonprofit board secretary
 About Corrie:  I have been a fan of Do Good Shop from its inception and am privileged to serve on the board, using my graphic and web design expertise to support the mission to empower everyday shoppers to change the world through ethical purchases! My Celia Tote and Butter-Soft Leather Evening Purse are my two go-to's, but you'll frequently find me wearing ethical shirts from Do Good Shop as well, whether at my day job as a web developer, as a mom of three boys, or as a volunteer at my church.


Holly Snyder Thompson, Board VP

do good shop board of directors 501(c)(3) nonprofit holly snyder thompson board vice president
About Holly: I am passionate about promoting causes related to social justice and community development.  I have worked with International Justice Mission in Washington DC and with Mennonite Central Committee in Syria. I have a Masters Degree in Cross-Cultural studies from Fuller Theological Seminary.  I currently works at UC Davis and lives nearby with her family.

Kathleen Doty, Board Member

do good shop board of directors 501(c)(3) nonprofit kathleen doty
About Kathleen:  I am a public school teacher, a mom, and a student working on my masters degree in theology. I have been carrying a Do Good Shop bag, the Celia Tote, for 4 years for work and school.   I am happy to be on the board of Do Good Shop because both the products and the purpose are outstanding.

Meg Harper, Board Member

board of directors do good shop 501(c)(3) nonprofit meg harper board vice president
 About Meg:  The more I heard about sweat shops and slave labor I couldn't help but want to be more informed of where my purchases came from. Knowing that whatever I buy from the DoGoodShop supports survivors escaping oppression feels like the least I can do to fight against these awful atrocities. It is a privilege to serve on the board of this ethical venture.

To contact any of our Board Members, please email