Artisan Impact: India, Nepal, Tibet

Sarita is a strikingly beautiful young woman. She is colorful, young, and vibrant. She makes good friends and has overcome difficult challenges with grace and dignity. Sarita’s dream is to build a home for her and her family. She works hard to see this dream come true. Before working with Joyn, her life was very difficult. Here, she feels at home - like she is part of a family. Sarita is currently flourishing, and continues to grow every day. She is very responsible and takes care of her entire family. Even though her father still struggles with addiction, she loves and serves him through it. Her favorite game is Kabadi, and she loves the color green. She would also love to travel to Nepal someday.
Founder, Mel, has worked to create jobs for marginalized communities in Asian countries for nearly 14 years. Her organization partners with locally owned and managed cooperatives to keep manufacturing at a community level. Her vision is to create pockets of manufacturing in India and Southeast Asia that are locally led, putting work back into the hands of the makers. Mel currently lives and resides with her family on the border of Myanmar and Thailand.
We are thrilled to partner with these amazing artisans to expand their reach to safe, ethical marketplaces.